九游会j9国际站 - j9九游会永久域名


来源:   作者:   发布日期:2023-05-12     浏览次数:




2、 研究方向


3、 开设课程


4、 主持科研项目

1) 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目,“茶树CsWRKY50调控水杨酸信号途径介导茶饼病抗性机制研究”(2021JQ-135),2021.01-2022.12

2) 陕西省引进国内博士专项,“基于肠道微生物互作的茶多糖代谢及抗氧化活性研究”(F2020221011),2021.01-2022.12

3) 陕西省农业专项资金项目(2020),“两类茯茶保健效用评价”(20200803000004),2020.04-2022.04

4) 国家科技基础资源调查专项(NHGRC2021-NH06),2021.01-2021.12

5) 西北农林科技大学博士科研启动基金项目,“儿茶素抑制蔗糖酶-异麦芽糖酶(SI)的降血糖活性研究”(2452018024),2018.01-2020.12

5、 发表论文

1) Shuyuan Liu, ZeyiAi, YangMeng, YuqiongChen, DejiangNi*. Comparative studies on the physicochemical profile and potential hypoglycemic activity of different tea extracts: Effect on sucrase-isomaltase activity and glucose transport in Caco-2 cells.  Food Research International , 2021, 148: 110604.

2) Qiqi Zhang, Nini Guo, Yongheng Zhang, Youben Yu, Shuyuan Liu*. Genome-wide characterizati on and expression analysis of pathogenesis-related 1 ( PR-1 ) gene family in tea plant ( Camellia sinensis  (L.) O. Kuntze) in response to blister-blight disease stress.  International Journal of Molecular Sciences , 2022, 23: 1292.

3) Shuyuan Liu, Qiqi Zhang, Hang Li, Zheyu Qiu, Youben Yu *. Comparative assessment of the antibacterial efficacies and mechanisms of different tea extracts.  Foods , 2022, 11: 620.

4) Shuyuan Liu, Qiqi Zhang, Daying Wu, Huwei Yu, Youben Yu*. Transcription factor WRKY14 mediates resistance of tea plant ( Camellia sinensis  (L.) O. Kuntze) to blister blight,  Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology , 2021, 15: 101667.

5) Sadaruddin Chachar, Jingrong Liu, Pingxian Zhang, Adeel Riaz, Changfei Guan*, Shuyuan Liu*. Harnessing current knowledge of dna n6-methyladenosine from model plants for non-model crops. Frontiers in Genetics, 2021, 12: 668317.

6) Changfei Guan#, Shuyuan Liu#, Mengke Wang, Hao Ji, Xiaofeng Ruan, Renzi Wang, Yong Yang*. Comparative transcriptomic analysis reveals genetic divergence and domestication genes in Diospyros, BMC Plant Biology, 2019, 19: 227.

7) Fengfeng Qu, Shuyuan Liu, Chang He, Jingtao Zhou, Shanming Zhang, Zeyi Ai, Yuqiong Chen, Zhi Yu, Dejiang Ni*. Comparison of the effects of green and black tea extracts on Na+/K+-ATPase activity in intestine of type 1 and type 2 diabetic mice. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 2019, 63: 1801039.

8) Shuyuan Liu, Zeyi Ai, Fenggeng Qu, Yuqiong Chen*, Dejiang Ni. Effect of steeping temperature on antioxidant and inhibitory activities of green tea extracts against α-amylase, α-glucosidase and intestinal glucose uptake. Food Chemistry, 2017, 234: 168-173.

9) Shuyuan Liu, Zhi Yu, Hongkai Zhu, Wei Zhang, Yuqiong Chen*.  In vitro  α-glucosidase inhibitory activity of isolated fractions from water extract of Qingzhuan dark tea. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2016, 16: 378.

6、 联系方式

通讯地址:陕西杨凌邰城路3号 九游会j9国际站


Email: shuyuan_liu@nwafu.edu.cn

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