九游会j9国际站 - j9九游会永久域名


来源:   作者:   发布日期:2020-07-25     浏览次数:





主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划子课题、陕西省农业科技创新与攻关等科研项目6项。先后在《International Journal of Molecular Sciences》、《Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution》、《Scientia Horticulturae》、《Genomics》等杂志发表论文10余篇,参编专著2部,获授权国家发明专利2项。



3. 教学工作和科研情况

承担本科生《茶叶营养与保健》、《茶树栽培学》、《茶文化》、《茶学》、《茶艺》和研究生《茶树基因工程》等课程的教学和实践工作。在校青年教师讲课比赛中获三等奖,院青年教师讲课比赛中获一等奖和二等奖各2次。主持校级教改项目1项,发表教研论文3篇,指导本科生获校第八届“大学生创新创业论坛” 三等奖。








陕西省科技统筹项目子课题(主持 项目编号:K333021407),2014-2016;






Lu Bao,Yonghen Zhang,Xing Gu,Yuefang Gao,YoubenYu. The complete mitochondrial genome of Eterusia aedea (Lepidotera,Zygaenidae) and comparison with other Zygaenidea months. Genomics,2019,111:1043-1052.

Li, K., Liu, Z., Xing, L., Wei, Y., Mao, J., Meng, Y., Bao, L., Han, M., Zhao, C*., Zhang, D*. 2019. miRNAs associated with auxin signaling, stress response, and cellular activities mediate adventitious root formation in apple rootstocks Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 2019, doi: org/10.1016/j.plaphy.2019.03.006

Li k., Liang Y., Xing L., Mao J., Liu Z., Dong F., Meng Y., Han M., Zhao C., Bao L., Zhang D*. 2018. Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Multiple Hormones, Wounding and Sugar Signaling Pathways Mediate Adventitious Root Formation in Apple Rootstock. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19 (8): 1-28 DOI: 10.3390/ijms19082201

Lei C., Fan S., Li K., Meng Y., Mao J., Han M., Zhao C., Bao L. and Zhang D*. 2018. iTRAQ-Based Proteomic Analysis Reveals Potential Regulation Networks of IBA-Induced Adventitious Root Formation in Apple. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19, 667.

Qian M, Ni J, Niu Q, Bai S, Bao L, Li J, Sun Y, Zhang D*, Teng Y*. 2017, Response of miR156-SPL module during the red peel coloration of bagging-treated Chinese sand pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai). Frontiers in Physiology. 8:550. DOI : 10.3389/fphys.2017.00550

Lu Bao, Ke Li,YuanWen Teng,Dong Zhang. Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of the wild Himalayan pear  Pyrus pashia  (Rosales: Rosaceae: Maloideae). Conservation Genet Resour,2017,9:569-571

Lu Bao, Ke Li, Zhen Liu, Mingyu Han,Dong Zhang. Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of the Chinese crabapple  Malus prunifolia  (Rosales: Rosaceae: Maloideae).Conservation Genet Resour,2016,8:227-229

Li B., Wang J., Ren X., Bao L., Zhang L., Zhang L., Han M., Zhang D.*. 2015 Root growth, yield and fruit quality of 'Red Fuji' apple trees in relation to planting depth of dwarfing interstock on the Loess Plateau. European Journal of Horticultural Science, 2015, 80(3):109-116.

Zhang D, Teng Y and Bao L. 2011. Genetic diversity of red skinned Chinese sand pear cultivars revealed by AFLP markers. Acta Horticulturae, 918:679-684.

Lu Bao,Kunsong Chen,Dong Zhang,Xiugen Li,Yuanwen Teng.An Assessment of Genetic Variability and Relationships within Asian Pears Based on AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism) Markers.Scientia Horticulturae.2008,116:374-380

Lu Bao,Kunsong Chen,Dong Zhang,Yufen Cao,Toshiya Yamamoto,Yuanwen Teng.Genetic diversity and similarity of pear cultivars native to East Asia revealed by SSR(Simple Sequence Repeat or microsatellite)markers.Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution.2007,54:959-971

ChangjieXu,Lu Bao,Bo Zhang,Zengming Bei,Xingyuan Ye,Shanglong Zang,kunsongchen*.Parentage analysis of huyou ( Citrus  changshanensis) based on internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences.Plant breeding.2006,125,519-522


黎钊,肖斌,余有本,周天山,高岳芳,冉隆贵,鲍露*. 基于STR分型检测技术的89份茶树种质资源遗传多样性分析. 西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版),2017,45(1):1-5

黎钊,肖斌,高岳芳,冉隆贵,鲍露*. 茶树种质资源的抗旱性筛选. 中国园艺文摘,2016,32(6):222-223


鲍露;谷星;肖斌;郭莎莎;高岳芳. 一种茶树组培快繁体系的建立方法.专利号:ZL 2017 1 0462653.5;专利授权公告日:2019/11/1

高岳芳;肖斌;余有本;周天山;鲍露.一种水热法提取茶多糖的方法. 专利号:ZL 2016 1 0569828.8;专利授权公告日:2018/03/16


8.通讯地址:陕西杨凌邰城路3号西北农林科技大学南校农科大楼九游会j9国际站123室  邮编:712100

Email: baolu@nwafu.edu.cn

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