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来源:   作者:   发布日期:2022-07-15     浏览次数:









3. 科研与学术工作经历



4. 研究方向


5. 主持的科研项目








6. 近年论文发表情况(第一及通讯作者,按2023年中科院最新分区)

(1) Ke Mao*, Jie Yang*, Yunxia Sun, Xin Guo, Lina Qiu, Quanlin Mei, Na Li, Fengwang Ma#. MdbHLH160 is stabilized via reduced MdBT2-mediated degradation to promote MdSOD1 and MdDREB2A-like expression for apple drought tolerance. Plant Physiology (2024) 194: 1181-1203(一区TOP)

(2) Jie Yang*, Lina Qiu*, Quanlin Mei, Yunxia Sun, Na Li, Xiaoqing Gong, Fengwang Ma#, Ke Mao#. MdHB7-like positively modulates apple salt tolerance by promoting autophagic activity and Na+ efflux. Plant Journal (2023) 116: 669-689(一区TOP)

(3) Chuang Mei*, Jie Yang*, Quanlin Mei, Dongfeng Jia, Peng Yan, Beibei Feng, Aisajan Mamat, Xiaqing Gong, Qingmei Guan, Ke Mao#, Jixun Wang#, Fengwang Ma#. MdNAC104 positively regulates apple cold tolerance via CBF-dependent and CBF-independent pathways. Plant Biotechnology Journal (2023) 21(10): 2057-2073(一区TOP)

(4) Jie Yang, Xin Guo, Quanlin Mei, Lina Qiu, Peihong Chen, Weihan Li, Ke Mao#, Fengwang Ma#. MdbHLH4 negatively regulates apple cold tolerance by inhibiting MdCBF1/3 expression and promoting MdCAX3L-2 expression. Plant Physiology (2023) 191(1): 789-806(一区TOP)

(5) Qinglong Dong, Yi Tian, Xuemei Zhang, Dingyue Duan, He Zhang, Kaiyu Yang, Peng Jia, Haoan Luan, Suping Guo, Guohui Qi#, Ke Mao#, Fengwang Ma#. Overexpression of the transcription factor MdWRKY115 improves drought and osmotic stress tolerance by directly binding to the MdRD22 promoter in apple. Horticultural Plant Journal (2023) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hpj.2023.05.005(一区)

(6) Kangning Wang, Huayu Liu, Fei Wang, Zhihang Ma, Chuang Mei, Fengwang Ma#, Ke Mao#. Apple MdbHLH4 promotes the flowering transition through interactions with FLOWERING LOCUS C and transcriptional activation of FLOWERING LOCUS T. Scientia Horticulturae (2023) 322: 112444(二区TOP)

(7) Kangning Wang, Huayu Liu, Quanlin Mei, Jie Yang, Fengwang Ma#, Ke Mao#. Characteristics of bHLH transcription factors and their roles in the abiotic stress responses of horticultural crops (Review). Scientia Horticulturae (2023) 310: 111710(二区TOP)

(8) Huayu Liu, Kangning Wang, Jie Yang, Xingfa Wang, Quanlin Mei, Lina Qiu, Fengwang Ma#, Ke Mao#. The apple transcription factor MdbHLH4 regulates plant morphology and fruit development by promoting cell enlargement. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (2023) 205: 108207(二区TOP)

(9) Huayu Liu, Kangning, Quanlin Mei, Xingfa Wang, Jie Yang, Fengwang Ma#, Ke Mao#. Genome-wide analysis of the Actinidia chinensis NHX family and characterization of the roles of AcNHX3 and AcNHX7 in regulating salt tolerance in Arabidopsis. Environmental and Experimental Botany (2023) 214: 105477(二区TOP)

(10) Dingyue Duan*, Ran Yi*, Yuli Ma, Qinglong Dong, Ke Mao#, Fengwang Ma#. Apple WRKY transcription factor MdWRKY56 positively modulates drought stress tolerance. Environmental and Experimental Botany (2023) 212: 105400(二区TOP)

(11) Mengqi Wang, Zhiping Qi, Wenchong Pei, Yunpeng Cheng, Ke Mao#, Fengwang Ma#. The apple Argonaute gene MdAGO1 modulates salt tolerance. Environmental and Experimental Botany (2023) 207: 105202(二区TOP)

(12) Qinglong Dong*, Dingyue Duan*, Jiale He, Wenqiang Zheng, Dong Huang, Qian Wang, Jie Yang, Fengwang Ma#, Ke Mao#. Overexpression of MdVQ37 reduces salt stress tolerance in Malus domestica. Scientia Horticulturae (2022) 300: 111077(二区TOP)

(13) Shuang Zhao, Hanbing Gao, Xumei Jia, Kun Zhou, Haibo Wang, Ke Mao#, Fengwang Ma#. MdHB7-like confers drought tolerance and improves water-use efficiency through modulating stomatal density in apple (Malus domestica). Scientia Horticulturae (2022) 294: 110758(二区TOP)

(14) Jie Yang*, Min Wang*, Shasha Zhou, Bingyao Xu, Peihong Chen, Fengwang Ma, Ke Mao#. The ABA receptor gene MdPYL9 confers tolerance to drought stress in transgenic apple (Malus domestica). Environmental and Experimental Botany (2022) 194: 104695(二区TOP)

(15) Qinglong Dong*, Dingyue Duan*, Wenqian Zheng, Dong Huang, Qian Wang, Jie Yang, Changhai Liu, Chao Li, Xiaoqing Gong, Cuiying Li, Fengwang Ma#, Ke Mao#. Overexpression of MdVQ37 reduces drought tolerance by altering leaf anatomy and SA homeostasis in transgenic apple. Tree Physiology (2022) 42(1): 160-174(二区)

(16) Peihong Chen*, Jie Yang*, Quanlin Mei, Huayu Liu, Yunpeng Cheng, Fengwang Ma#, Ke Mao#. Genome-Wide Analysis of the Apple CBL Family Reveals That Mdcbl10.1 Functions Positively in Modulating Apple Salt Tolerance. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2021) 22: 12430(二区)

(17) Shuang Zhao, Hanbing Gao, Xumei Jia, Jiangtong Wei, Ke Mao#, Fengwang Ma#. MdHB-7 Regulates Water Use Effciency in Transgenic Apple (Malus domestica) Under Long-Term Moderate Water Deficit. Frontiers in Plant Science (2021) 12: 740492(二区TOP)

(18) Jie Yang, Weihan Li, Xin Guo, Peihong Chen, Yunpeng Cheng, Ke Mao#, Fengwang Ma#. Cation/Ca2+ Exchanger1 (MdCCX1), a Plasma Membrane-Localized Na+ Transporter, Enhances Plant Salt Tolerance by Inhibiting Excessive Accumulation of Na+ and Reactive Oxygen Species. Frontiers in Plant Science (2021) 12: 746189(二区TOP)

(19) Qinglong Dong*, Dingyue Duan*, Wenqian Zheng, Dong Huang, Qian Wang, Xiaoran Li, Ke Mao#, Fengwang Ma#. MdVQ37 overexpression reduces basal thermotolerance in transgenic apple by affecting transcription factor activity and salicylic acid homeostasis. Horticulture Research (2021) 8: 220(一区TOP)

(20) Jie Yang, Xin Guo, Weihan Li, Peihong Chen, Yunpeng Cheng, Fengwang Ma#, Ke Mao#. MdCCX2 of apple functions positively in modulation of salt tolerance. Environmental and Experimental Botany (2021) 192: 104663(二区TOP)

(21) Xin Jia*, Ke Mao*, Ping Wang, Yu Wang, Xumei Jia, Liuqing Huo, Xun Sun, Runmin Che, Xiaoqing Gong#, Fengwang Ma#. Overexpression of MdATG8i improves water use efficiency in transgenic apple by modulating photosynthesis, osmotic balance, and autophagic activity under moderate water deficit. Horticulture Research (2021) 8:81(一区TOP)

(22) Shuang Zhao, Hanbing Gao, Xumei Jia, Xuewei Li, Ke Mao#, Fengwang Ma#. The γ-clade HD-Zip I transcription factor MdHB-7 regulates salt tolerance in transgenic apple (Malus domestica). Plant Soil (2021) 463: 509–522(二区TOP)

(23) Ke Mao*, Jie Yang*, Min Wang, Huayu Liu, Xin Guo, Shuang Zhao, Qinglong Dong, Fengwang Ma#. Genome-wide analysis of the apple CaCA superfamily reveals that MdCAX proteins are involved in the abiotic stress response as calcium transporters. BMC Plant Biology (2021) 21(1): 81(二区TOP)

7. 专利、专著


(1) 一种利用外施人工合成肽段提高苹果抗旱性的方法;马锋旺,毛柯,蒋琦,李超,刘长海,龚小庆;ZL202010864892.5。

(2) 类受体激酶基因MdMRLK2在提高植株水分利用效率的应用;马锋旺,敬媛媛,刘长海,李超,毛柯,龚小庆,李鹏民;ZL202110480223.2。

(3) 一种苹果离子转运体MdCCX2及其转基因植株和应用;马锋旺,杨洁,毛柯,陈沛宏,李超,刘长海,龚小庆;ZL202111056012.2。

(4) 一种外施脱落酸推迟苹果花期的方法;马锋旺,王星辰,邹养军,毛柯,李超,刘长海,崔广鑫,安贵阳;ZL202011426564.3。

(5) 一种苹果离子转运体MdCAX2L-1的转基因植株及其应用;马锋旺,杨洁,毛柯,李超,刘长海,龚小庆;ZL202111365063.3。

(6) 多巴胺在提高植物抵抗重金属胁迫中的应用;李超,马锋旺,唐仲文,张志军,刘长海,毛柯,龚小庆;ZL 202210093811.5。


(1) 《果树施肥技术理论与实践》,2022,天津科学技术出版社。副主编。

(2) 《果树优质丰产的生理基础与调控技术》,2022,西北农林科技大学出版社。副主编。

(3) 《果树栽培与病虫防治技术研究》,2023,吉林科学技术出版社。副主编。

(4) 《Plant Responses and Tolerance to Salt Stress: Physiological and Molecular Interventions》,2022。Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute。论文收录。

8. 联系方式

Email: maoke2002@nwsuaf.edu.cn; maoke2012@163.com

果树逆境生物学团队主页: https://sbft.nwsuaf.edu.cn/

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