九游会j9国际站 - j9九游会永久域名


来源:   作者:   发布日期:2022-07-15     浏览次数:


一. 基本信息


二. 研究方向


三. 本科教学


四. 近期科研项目

1. 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划一般项目(面上),2023-2024,5万元。

2. 中央高校基本科研业务费,2022-2024,10万元。

3. 苹果现代育种技术研发和特色新种质创制子课题任务,2020-2024,15万元。

4. 国家重点研发计划子课题,2018-2022,48万元。

5. 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划一般项目(青年),2020-2021,3万元。

6. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,2017-2019,20万元。

五. 近期主要学术成果

1. Li D#, Ding Y#, Cheng L#, Zhang X, Cheng S, Ye Y, Gao Y, Qin Y, Liu Z, Li C, Ma F*, Gong X*. Target of rapamycin (TOR) regulates the response to low nitrogen stress via autophagy and hormone pathways in  Malus hupehensis . Hortic Res. 2022, uhac143.(中科院一区Top,IF 7.291)

2. Zhang XL#, Gong XQ#, Su XJ, Yu HX, Cheng SY, Huang JW, Li DY, Lei ZL, Li MJ*, Ma FW*. The ubiquitin-binding protein MdRAD23D1 mediates drought response by regulating degradation of the proline-rich protein MdPRP6 in apple ( Malus domestica ). Plant Biotechnol J. 2023, DOI: 10.1111/pbi.14057. (中科院一区Top,IF 13.263)

3. Zhang XL#, Gong XQ#, Yu HX, Su XJ, Cheng SY, Huang JW, Lei ZL, Li MJ*, Ma FW*. The proline-rich protein MdPRP6 confers tolerance to salt stress in transgenic apple ( Malus domestica ). Sci Hortic. 2023, 308, 111581. (中科院二区Top,IF 4.342)

4. Qin Y, Yu H, Cheng S, Liu Z, Yu C, Zhang X, Su X, Huang J, Shi S, Zou Y, Ma F, Gong X*. Genome-wide analysis of the WRKY gene family in Malus domestica and the role of MdWRKY70L in response to drought and salt stresses. Genes. 2022, 13: 1068. (中科院三区,IF 4.141)

5. Ye Y, Jia X, Xue MY, Gao YC, Yue H, Ma FW*, Gong XQ*. MpSnRK2.10 confers salt stress tolerance in apple via the ABA signaling pathway. Sci Hortic. 2022, 298: 110998. (中科院二区Top,IF 4.342)

6. Zhang XL#, Gong XQ#, Cheng SY, Yu HX, Li DY, Su XJ, Lei ZL, Li MJ*, Ma FW*. Proline-rich protein MdPRP6 alters low nitrogen stress tolerance by regulating lateral root formation and anthocyanin accumulation in transgenic apple ( Malus domestica ). Environ Exp Bot. 2022, 197: 104841(中科院二区,IF 6.028)

7. Jia X, Wang Q, Ye Y, Li TT, Sun X, Huo LQ, Wang P, Gong XQ*, Ma FW*. MdATG5a positively regulates nitrogen uptake under low nitrogen conditions by enhancing the accumulation of flavonoids and auxin in apple roots. Environ Exp Bot. 2022, 197: 104840(中科院二区,IF 6.028)

8. Zhang XL#, Gong XQ#, Li DY, Yue H, Qin Y, Liu Zhu, Li MJ*, Ma FW*. Genome-Wide Identification of PRP Genes in Apple Genome and the Role of MdPRP6 in Response to Heat Stress. Int J Mol Sci. 2021, 22(11): 5942(中科院二区Top,IF 6.208)

9. Jia X#, Mao K#, Wang P, Wang Y, Jia X, Huo L, Sun X, Che R, Gong X*, Ma F*. Overexpression of MdATG8i improves water use efficiency in transgenic apple by modulating photosynthesis, osmotic balance, and autophagic activity under moderate water deficit. Hortic Res. 2021, 8(1): 81. (中科院一区Top,IF 7.291)

10. Huo LQ, Sun Xun, Guo ZJ, Che RM, Sun YM, Zhu YF, Wang P, Gong XQ*, Ma FW*.  MdATG18a overexpression improves basal thermotolerance in transgenic apple by decreasing damage to chloroplasts. Hortic Res. 2020, 7:21(中科院一区Top,IF 7.291)

11. Zhou K#, Hu LY#, Li YTS, Chen XF, Zhang ZJ, Liu BB, Li PM, Gong XQ*, Ma FW*. MdUGT88F1-Mediated Phloridzin Biosynthesis Regulates Apple Development and Valsa Canker Resistance. Plant Physiology. 2019, 180(4): 2290-2305(中科院一区Top,IF 8.005)

12. Jia D, Jiang Q, van Nocker S, Gong XQ*, Ma FW*. An apple ( Malus domestica ) NAC transcription factor enhances drought tolerance in transgenic apple plants. Plant Physiol Bioch. 2019, 139: 504-512(中科院二区,IF 5.437)

13. Hu LY, Zhou K, Li YTS, Chen XF, Liu BB, Li CY, Gong XQ*, Ma FW*. Exogenous myo -inositol alleviates salinity-induced stress in  Malus hupehensis . Rehd. Plant Physiol Bioch. 2018, 133:116–126 (中科院二区,IF 5.437)

14. Gong XQ#, Dou FF#, Cheng X, Zhou J, Zou JY*, Ma FW. Genome-wide identification of genes involved in polyamine biosynthesis and the role of exogenous polyamines in  Malus hupehensis  Rehd. under alkaline stress. Gene. 2018, 669: 52-62. (中科院三区,IF 3.913)

15. Jia DF#, Gong XQ#, Li MJ, Li C, Sun TT, Ma FW*. Overexpression of a novel apple NAC transcription factor gene,  MdNAC1 , confers the dwarf phenotype in transgenic apple ( Malus domestica ). Genes. 2018, 9(5): 229. (中科院三区,IF 4.141)

六. 联系方式


E-mail: gongxq0103@nwsuaf.edu.cn

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