九游会j9国际站 - j9九游会永久域名


来源:   作者:   发布日期:2021-09-09     浏览次数:



张智,女,1978年8月生,辽宁省营口市人,工学博士,副教授,博士生导师,现为九游会j9国际站设施农业工程系教师。2010年3月-2011年3月及2018年7月-2019年7月在University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校)作访问学者。中国计算机协会数字农业分会执委,中国农业工程学会高级会员、中国农业机械学会高级会员。



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Rui Li, Jiaming Bai, Dayong Li, Xinru Ren, Daiwei He, Rongcheng Du, Ziqi Feng, Zhi Zhang*.2024.Water and fertilizer decision model for synergistic optimization of yield, quality and efficiency of cherry tomato based on combination evaluation. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,109224

Jiaming Bai, Rui Li, Yu Jiang, Jiarui Zhang, Dayong Li, Zelin Cai, Zhi Zhang*. 2024. Efficient agricultural water research under elevated global carbon dioxide concentration – Based on bibliometric analysis. Agricultural Water Management, 299:108874

Daiwei He, Rui Li, Ziqi Feng, Dayong Li, Taiguo Yang, Jingru Chen, Lijuan Qiu*, Zhi Zhang*. 2024. Effects of combined nitrogen and potassium application on cherry tomato production efficiency under deficit irrigation. Scientia Horticulturae, 328: 112958

Zelin Cai, Mengchi Zhang, Jiarui Xie, Tingting Kong,Yuxuan Zhang, Zhihao He, Zhi Zhang*. 2024.Appropriate supply of irrigation and nitrogen produced higher yields of cherry tomatoes. International Journal of Agricultural & Biological Engineering, 17(2)

Zhi Yang, Tingting Kong, Jiarui Xie, Taiguo Yang, Yu Jiang, Ziqi Feng, Zhi Zhang*. 2023. Appropriate water and fertilizer supply can increase yield by promoting growth while ensuring the soil ecological environment in melon production. Agricultural Water Management,289:108561

Xiaoqing Yang, Rongcheng Du, Daiwei He, Dayong Li, Jingru Chen, Xiaole Han, Ziqing Wang, Zhi Zhang*. 2023. Optimal combination of potassium coupled with water and nitrogen for strawberry quality based on consumer-orientation. Agricultural Water Management,287:108461

Zelin Cai, Jiaming Bai, Rui Li, Daiwei He, Rongcheng Du, Dayong Li, Tingting Hong, Zhi Zhang*. 2023. Water and nitrogen management scheme of melon based on yield-quality-efficiency matching perspective under CO2 enrichment. Agricultural Water Management,285:108379

Xiaoqing Yang, Rongcheng Du, Mengchi Zhang, Huawei Feng, Ziqing Wang, Zhi Zhang*. 2023. Comprehensive evaluation of the optimal rates of irrigation and potassium application for strawberry. International Journal of Agricultural & Biological Engineering, 16(2):65-72

Jinglai Li, Xiaoqing Yang, Mengchi Zhang, Dayong Li, Yu Jiang, Wenhui Yao, Zhi Zhang*.2023. Yield, Quality, and Water and Fertilizer Partial Productivity of Cucumber as Influenced by the Interaction of Water, Nitrogen, and Magnesium. Agronomy,13,772

Tingting Hong, Zelin Cai, Rui Li, Jiecheng Liu, Jinglai Li, Zheng Wang, Zhi Zhang*. 2022. Effects of water and nitrogen coupling on watermelon growth, photosynthesis and yield under CO2 enrichment. Agricultural Water Management, 259: 107229

Zhihao He, Chunjie Su, Zelin Cai, Zheng Wang, Rui Li, Jiecheng Liu,Jianqiang He, Zhi Zhang* 2022. Multi-factor coupling regulation of greenhouse environment based on comprehensive growth of cherry tomato seedlings. Scientia Horticulturae, 297: 110960

Zhihao He, Manning Li, Zelin Cai, Rongsheng Zhao, Tingting Hong, Zhi Yang,Zhi Zhang*.2021. Optimal irrigation and fertilizer amounts based on multi-level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of yield, growth and fruit quality on cherry tomato. Agricultural Water Management, 243:106360

Tingting Hong, Zelin Cai, Rongsheng Zhao, Zhihao He, Ming Ding, Zhi Zhang*.2021. Effects of water and nitrogen coupling on the yield, quality, and water and nitrogen utilization of watermelon under CO2 enrichment. Scientia Horticulturae, 286:110213

Zhihao He, Tingting Hong, Zelin Cai, Zhi Yang, Manning Li, Zhi Zhang*. Determination of amount of irrigation and nitrogen for comprehensive growth of greenhouse cucumber based on multi-level fuzzy evaluation, International Journal of Agricultural & Biological Engineering, 2021,14(2):35-42

李瑞,贺代伟,刘杰成,王正,姜煜,王玮,张智*,裘莉娟*. 2023. 采用综合评价模型优化樱桃番茄的灌溉与钙镁肥组合. 植物营养与肥料学报,29(2):382-292

张智,王正,刘杰成,孔婷婷,谢佳睿,张梦池. 2022. 基于环境 VPD 决策的温室甜瓜灌溉系统设计与试验. 农业机械学报,2022,53(10):371-378

张智,杨志,黎景来,张梦池,李瑞,贺代伟. 2021. 基于灰色关联与TOPSIS多属性的甜瓜水肥灌溉决策.农业机械学报,52(9):302-311

张智,李曼宁,杨志,蔡泽林,洪婷婷,丁明. 2020. 基于多指标协同的草莓水肥耦合综合调控.农业机械学报, 51(2):267-276

张智,和志豪,洪婷婷,朱常安,蔡泽林,刘建飞. 2019. 基于多层次模糊评判的樱桃番茄综合生长水肥因子耦合调控.农业机械学报, 50(12) :293-302

朱常安,和志豪,蔡泽林,刘健飞,张智*.2019. 融合镁元素的水肥多因子耦合对黄瓜综合营养品质的调控.中国农业科学, 52(18):3258-3270

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