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来源:   作者:   发布日期:2021-04-12     浏览次数:

序号 论文题目 期刊名称
1 Identification   the Pathogens Causing Rot Disease in Pomegranate (Punica   granatum L.) in China and the Antifungal Activity   of Aqueous Garlic Extract Forests,2020.1
2 Genome-Wide   Identification and Characterization of Apple P3A-Type ATPase Genes, with Implications for Alkaline Stress   Responses Forests,2020.3
3 Effect   of heat shock and potassium sorbate treatments on gray mold and postharvest   quality of ‘XuXiang’ kiwifruit Food   Chemistry
4 Biosynthesis   of the dihydrochalcone sweetener trilobatin requires phloretin   glycosyltransferase Plant   Physiology ,2020.10
5 Dihydrochalcones   in Malus inhibit bacterial growth by reducing cell membrane integrity Food   & Function, 2020.7
6 Insights   into the aroma profiles and characteristic aroma of ‘Honeycrisp’ apple (Malus   × domestica) Food   Chemistry,2020.10
7 Integrative   Analyses of Widely Targeted Metabolic Profiling and Transcriptome Data   Reveals Molecular Insight into Metabolomic Variations during Apple (Malus domestica) Fruit Development   and Ripening International   Journal of Molecular Science
8 Discovery   of a millennial androecious germplasm and its potential in persimmon   (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) breeding Scientia   Horticulturae, 2020
9 Germplasm   conservation, molecular identity and morphological characterization of   persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) in the NFGP of China Scientia   Horticulturae, 2020
10 DkWRKY   interacts with pyruvate kinase gene DkPK1 and promotes natural deastringency   in C-PCNA persimmon Plant   Science, 2020
11 Identification   and characterization of the CONSTANS (CO)/CONSTANS-like (COL) genes related to photoperiodic   signaling and flowering in tomato Plant   Science, 2020
12 The GAMYB-like gene SlMYB33 mediates flowering and   pollen development in tomato Horticulture   Research, 2020
13 Effects of dopamine on growth, carbon   metabolism, and nitrogen metabolism in cucumber under nitrate stress. Scientia   Horticultura
14 Genome-wide   Target Mapping Shows Histone Deacetylase Complex 1 Regulates Cell   Proliferation in Cucumber Fruit. Plant   Physiology, 2020
15 FLOWERING   LOCUS T Improves Cucumber Adaptation to Higher Latitudes Plant   Physiology, 2020
16 The mitigation effects of exogenous dopamine on low nitrogen stress in Malus hupehensis Journal   of Integrative Agriculture, 2020
17 Dopamine   and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi act synergistically to promote apple growth   under salt stress Environmental   and Experimental Botany, 2020
18 Overexpression   of the tyrosine decarboxylase gene MdTyDC confers salt tolerance in apple Environmental   and Experimental Botany, 2020
19 Physiological   and transcriptome analyses of the effects of exogenous dopamine on drought   tolerance in apple Plant   Physiology and Biochemistry, 2020
20 Rainwater   collection and infiltration (RWCI) systems promote deep soil water and   organic carbon restoration in water-limited sloping orchards Agricultural   Water Management, 2020.12
21 WUSCHEL-related   homeobox1 (WOX1) regulates vein patterning and leaf size in Cucumis sativus Horticulture   Research, 2020.11
22 CPPU   may induce gibberellin-independent parthenocarpy associated with PbRR9   in‘Dangshansu’ pear Horticulture   Research  ,2020.7
23 Regulation   of phenylpropanoid biosynthesis by MdMYB88 and MdMYB124 contributes to   pathogen and drought resistance in apple Horticulture   Research,2020
24 The   apple DNA-binding one zinc finger protein MdDof54 promotes drought resistance Horticulture   Research,2020
25 Apple   SERRATE negatively mediates drought resistance by regulating MdMYB88 and   MdMYB124 and microRNA biogenesis Horticulture   Research, 2020
26 Epigenomic   Regulatory Mechanism in Vegetative Phase Transition of Malus Hupehensis. Journal   of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2020
27 Overexpression   of MdARD4 Accelerates Fruit Ripening and Increases Cold Hardiness in Tomato INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2020
28 Physiological evaluation of nitrogen use efficiency of different apple cultivars under various nitrogen and   water supply conditions Journal   of Integrative Agriculture ,2020
29 Arbuscular   mycorrhizal fungi enhanced drought resistance in apple by regulating genes in   the MAPK pathway Plant   Physiology and Biochemistry,2020,
30 The Apple Autophagy-Related Gene MdATG9 Confers Tolerance to Low Nitrogen in Transgenic AppleCallus FRONTIERS   IN PLANT SCIENCE,2020
31 MdATG18a   overexpression improves basal thermotolerance in transgenic apple by   decreasing damage to chloroplasts Horticulture   Research,2020,
32 Increased autophagic activity in roots caused by overexpression of the autophagy-related gene   MdATG10 in apple enhances salt tolerance Plant   Science,2020
33 MdATG8i functions positively in apple salt tolerance by maintaining photosynthetic ability andincreasing the accumulation of arginine and polyamines Environmental   and Experimental Botany,2020
34 MdINT1   enhances apple salinity tolerance by regulating the antioxidant system,   homeostasis of ions, and osmosis Plant   Physiology and Biochemistry ,2020
35 Myo-inositol mediates reactive oxygen species-induced programmed cell death via salicylic acid-dependent and ethylene-dependent pathways in apple Horticulture   Research,2020
36 Overexpression of MdMIPS1 enhances salt tolerance by improving osmosis, ion balance,   and antioxidantactivity in transgenic apple Plant   Science ,2020
37 Genome-wide   analysis of the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding gene family in apple   (Malus domestica) and functional characterization of MdLhcb4.3, which confers   tolerance to drought and osmotic stress Plant   Physiology and Biochemistry,2020
38 MdWRKY30,   a group IIa WRKY gene from apple, confers tolerance to salinity and osmotic   stresses in transgenic apple callus and Arabidopsis seedlings Plant   Science,2020
39 The   HD-Zip I transcription factor MdHB-7 regulates drought tolerance in   transgenic apple (Malus domestica) Environmental   and Experimental Botany,2020
40 Jasmonate   and Ethylene-Regulated Ethylene Response Factor 22 Promotes   Lanolin-Induced
    Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in ‘Zaosu’ Pear
    (Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd.) Fruit
41 PbGA20ox2   Regulates Fruit Set and Induces Parthenocarpy by Enhancing GA4 Content FRONTIERS   IN PLANT SCIENCE ,2020
42 PbMYB120   Negatively Regulates Anthocyanin Accumulation in Pear INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES ,2020
43 REVEILLE   Transcription Factors Contribute to the Nighttime Accumulation of   Anthocyanins in 'Red Zaosu' (Pyrus Bretschneideri Rehd.) Pear Fruit Skin INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES ,2020
44 Melatonin   promotes adventitious root formation in apple by promoting the function of   MdWOX11 BMC   Plant Biology,2020.11
45 Identification   and characterization of NRT gene family reveals their critical response to   nitrate regulation during adventitious root formation and development in   apple rootstock Scientia   Horticulturae,2020.9
46 Mdm-miR160   Participates in Auxin-Induced Adventitious Root formation of apple rootstock Scientia   Horticulturae,2020.5
47 Spermidine   application affects the adventitious root formation and root morphology of   apple rootstock by altering the hormonal profile and regulating the gene   expression pattern Scientia   Horticulturae,2020.2
48 CaDHN4,   a salt and cold stress-responsive dehydrin gene from pepper decreases   abscisic acid sensitivity in Arabidopsis International   Journal of Molecular Science. 2020
49 The   NAC transcription factor CaNAC064 is a regulator of cold stress tolerance in   peppers Plant   Science, 2020
50 Molecular   and Functional Characterization of Canac035, an NAC Transcription Factor From   Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Front.   Plant Sci. 2020
51 Genome   wide identification, characterization and expression analysis of HD-ZIP gene   family in Cucumis sativus L. under biotic and various abiotic stresses International   Journal of Biological Macromolecules . 2020
52 A   mutation in CsHD encoding a histidine and aspartic acid domain-containing   protein leads to yellow young leaf-1 ( yyl-1 ) in cucumber ( Cucumis sativus   L) Plant   Science,2020
53 Modification   of Serine 1040 of SIBRI1 Increases Fruit Yield by Enhancing Tolerance to Heat   Stress in Tomato International   Journal of Molecular Sciences
54 Overexpression   of MdATG18a enhances alkaline   tolerance and GABA shunt in apple through increased autophagy under   alkaline condition Tree Physiology, 2020
55 Exogenous   GABA alleviates alkaline stress in Malus hupehensis by regulating the   accumulation of organic acids Scientia   Horticulturae, 2020
56 CaSBP11   gene participates in the defense response of pepper to Phytophthora capsici   through regulating the expression of defense related genes International   Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020.11
57 Chitinase   gene positively regulates hypersensitive and defense responses of pepper to Colletotrichum acutatum infection International   Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020.9.10
58 Assessing   the functional role of color-related CaMYB gene under cold stress using   virus-induced gene silencing in the fruit of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Scientia   Horticulturae, 2020.10
59 CaHsfA1d   Improves Plant Thermotolerance via Regulating the Expression of Stress- and   Antioxidant-Related Genes International   Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020.11
60 The   CBL–CIPK Pathway in Plant Response to Stress Signals International   Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020.8
61 Transcription   Factor CaSBP12 Negatively Regulates Salt Stress Tolerance in Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) International   Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020.1
62 A   novel gene, CaATHB-12, negatively regulates fruit carotenoid content under   cold stress in Capsicum annuum Food   & Nutrition Research 2020.12
63 The   CaChiVI2 gene of Capsicum annuum   L. confers resistance against heat stress and infection of Phytophthora capsici Frontiers   in Plant Science, 2020.2
64 Identification   of CaSBP08 gene in pepper   defense response against Phytophthora capsici infection Frontiers   in Plant Science, 2020.2
65 Characterization   of the bZIP transcription factor family in pepper (Capsicum   annuum L.): CabZIP25 positively modulates the salt tolerance Frontiers   in Plant Science, 2020.2
66 QTL   for horticulturally important traits associated with pleiotropic andromonoecy   and carpel number loci, and a paracentric inversion in cucumber Theoretical   and Applied Genetics, 2020.4
67 Redox   status, JA and ET signaling pathway regulating responses to Botrytis cinerea infection between   the resistant cucumber genotype and its susceptible mutant. Frontiers   in Plant Science.2020.9
68 Relationship   between CsLOX gene expression   and C6 and C9 aldehydes
    during cucumber fruit storage
Postharvest   Biology and Technology.2020.3
69 Ectopic   expression of apple hexose transporter MdHT2.2 reduced the salt tolerance of   tomato seedlings with decreased ROS-scavenging ability  Plant   physiology and biochemistry.‏   2020
70 Carbohydrate   metabolism and transport in apple roots under nitrogen deficiency. Plant   physiology and biochemistry. ‏2020
71 Functional   analysis of the promoter of the MdFRK2 gene encoding a high affinity   fructokinase in apple (malus x domestica) SCIENTIA   HORTICULTURAE,2020
72 Construction   of a high-density SNP-based genetic map and identification of fruitrelated   QTLs and candidate genes in peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] BMC   Plant Biology,2020
73 BAK1   Mediates Light Intensity to Phosphorylate and Activate Catalases to Regulate   Plant Growth and Development International   Journal of Molecular Sciences,2020.4
74 RNAi-based   screen reveals concerted functions of MEKK2 and CRCK3 in plant cell death   regulation Plant   Physiology,2020.3
75 Polyphenol   oxidase plays a critical role in melanin formation in the fruit skin of   persimmon (Diospyros kaki cv. 'Heishi') Food   Chemistry,2020.11
76 MdCAX   affects the development of the ‘Honeycrisp’ bitter pit by influencing   abnormal Ca distribution Postharvest   Biology and Technology
77 The   novel gene BrMYB2, located on chromosome A07, with a short intron 1 controls   the purple-head trait of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L.) Horticulture   Research 
78 Dynamic   Changes of the Anthocyanin Biosynthesis Mechanism during the Development of   Heading Chinese Cabbage (Brassica rapa L.) and Arabidopsis under the Control   of BrMYB2. Frontiers in Plant Science, section Plant   Development and EvoDevo.
79 Exogenous   spermine-induced expression of SlSPMS gene improves salinity–alkalinity   stress tolerance by regulating the antioxidant enzyme system and ion   homeostasis in tomato Plant   Physiology and Biochemistry
80 Crosstalk   between GABA and ALA to improve antioxidation and cell expansion of tomato   seedling under cold stress Environmental   and Experimental Botany
81 Tomato   roots have a functional silicon influx transporter but not a functional   silicon efflux transporter Plant,   Cell and Environment,2020.3
82 Silicon   improves the growth of cucumber under excess nitrate stress by enhancing   nitrogen assimilation and chlorophyll synthesis Plant   Physiology and Biochemistry,2020.7
83 The expression response of   plasma membrane aquaporins to salt stress in tomato plants Environmental   and Experimental Botany,2020.10
84 CRISPR/Cas9-mediated   VvPR4b editing decreases downy mildew resistance in grapevine (Vitis vinifera   L.) Hortic Res,2020,9
85 The   Response of Water Dynamics to Long-Term High Vapor Pressure Deficit Is   Mediated by Anatomical Adaptations in Plants Frontiers   in Plant Science,2020.6
86 Irrigation   based on daily weighted evapotranspiration affects yield and quality of   oriental melon Scientia   Horticulturae 2020.11
87 Overexpression   of CsSnRK2.5 increases tolerance to drought stress in transgenic Arabidopsis Plant   Physiology and Biochemistry
88 Integrated   analysis of long
    noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) and mRNAs reveals the regulatory role of lncRNAs   associated with salt resistance in Camellia sinensis
Frontiers   in plant science
89 Exogenous   caffeic acid and epicatechin enhance resistance against Botrytis
    cinerea through activation of the phenylpropanoid pathway in apples
Scientia   Horticulturae
90 The   WRKY53 transcription factor enhances stilbene synthesis and disease   resistance by interacting with MYB14 and MYB15 in Chinese wild grape JOURNAL   OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY.2020
91 Heterologous   expression of Chinese wild grapevine VqERFs in Arabidopsis
    thaliana enhance resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000   and
    to Botrytis cinerea
Plant   Science
92 The   grape ubiquitin ligase VpRH2 is a negative regulator in response to ABA   treatment PLANTA.2020
93 Garlic   allelochemical diallyl disulfide alleviates autotoxicity in the root exudates   caused by long-term continuous cropping of tomato Journal   of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020
94 Some   Physiological and Biochemical Mechanisms during Seed-to-Seedling Transition   in Tomato as Influenced by Garlic Allelochemicals Antioxidants,   2020
95 Garlic   substrate induces cucumber growth development and decreases fusarium wilt   through regulation of soil microbial community structure and diversity in   replanted disturbed soil INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. 2020
96 Mechanism   of Allium Crops Bulb Enlargement in Response to Photoperiod: A Review INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. 2020
97 Effect   of photoperiod and temperature on garlic (Allium sativum L.) bulbing and   selected endogenous chemical factors Environmental   and Experimental Botany, 2020
98 Response   of axillary bud development in garlic (Allium sativum L.) to seed cloves   soaked in gibberellic acid (GA3) solution Journal   of Integrative Agriculture,   2020
99 Effect   of natural light on the phenolic compounds contents and coloration in the   peel of ‘Xiyanghong’ (Pyrus bretschneideri×Pyrus communis). Scientia Horticulturae,2020.2
100 Volatile   flavor compounds of 71 tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) accessions in central Shaanxi. Frontiers   in plant science. 2020.12
101 Comparative   Transcriptomic Analysis of the Development of Sepal Morphology in Tomato   (Solanum LycopersicumL.) International   journal of molecular sciences,2020.8
102 Resistance   analysis of cherry rootstock ‘CDR-1’ (Prunus mahaleb) to crown gall disease BMC   Plant Biology,
103 Genome-wide   characterization and expression profiling of GASA genes during different   stages of seed development in Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) predict their   involvement in seed development INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,Sci.2020.2
104 Grapevine   VlbZIP30 improves drought resistance by directly activating VvNAC17 and   promoting lignin biosynthesis through the regulation of three peroxidase   genes Horticulture   Research,2020,9
105 Integrated   biorefinery approach to valorize winery waste: A review from the waste to   energy perspectives Science   of the Total Environment,2020,6
106 Insight   into function and subcellular
    localization of Plasmopara viticola putative RxLR effectors.
Frontiers   in
    Microbiology, 2020
107 Ethylene   response factors regulate ethylene biosynthesis and cell wall
    modification in persimmon (Diospyros kaki L.) fruit during ripening
Postharvest   Biology and Technology ,2020.10
108 Modified   atmosphere packaging and 1-methylcyclopropene alleviate
    chilling injury of ‘Youhou’ sweet persimmon during cold storage
Food   Packaging and Shelf Life,2020.6
109 Comparative   studies on seed germination of two rice genotypes with different tolerances   to low temperature Environmental   and Experimental Botany  ,2020
110 Expression   and functional analysis of VviABCG14 from Vitis vinifera suggest the role in   cytokinin transport and the interaction with VviABCG7. Plant   Physiology and Biochemistry.
111 CRISPR/Cas9-mediated   mutagenesis of VvMLO3 results in enhanced resistance to powdery mildew in   grapevine (Vitis vinifera) Horticulture   Research, 2020
112 Transcription   factor FvTCP9 promotes strawberry fruit ripening by regulating the   biosynthesis of abscisic acid and anthocyanins PLANT   PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY
113 mdm-miR828   Participates in the Feedback Loop to Regulate Anthocyanin Accumulation in   Apple Peel Front.in   Plant Sci., 02 December,2020
114 The   endophytic fungus Albifimbria verrucaria from wild grape as an antagonist of Botrytis cinerea and other grape   pathogens Phytopathology,2020.4
115 Genome   sequence resource for Elsinoë ampelina, the causal organism of grapevine anthracnose Molecular   Plant-Microbe Interactions,2020.4
116 Physiological   change and screening of differentially expressed genes of wild
    Chinese Vitis yeshanensis and American Vitis riparia in response to   drought
Scientia   Horticulturae, 2020.5
117 Over-Expression   of a 14-3-3 Protein From Foxtail Millet Improves Plant Tolerance to Salinity   Stress in Arabidopsis thaliana FRONTIERS   IN PLANT SCIENCE,2020.4
118 A   new species of Malus in China,Malus shizongensis Liu sp.nov Journal   of integrative Agriculture 2020.10