Ma Fengwang


Fengwang Ma

Professor, Dean of College of Horticulture

College of Horticulture, Northwest A&F University

3 Taicheng Road,

Yangling, Shaanxi Province, 712100, China

Tele: +86-29-87082648

Fax: +86-29-87082648


Education and Work Experiences

2000.12-Present: Professor, College of Horticulture, Nowthwest University of Agriculture and Forestry, Yangling, Shaaxi, China.

1996  Ph.D. in Pomology, Northwestern Agricultural University, Yangling, Shaanxi, China

1987  M.S. in Pomology, Northwestern Agricultural University, Yangling, Shaanxi, China

1984  B.A. in Pomology, Shandong Agricultural University, Taian, Shandong, China


'Fruit Tree Cultivation' for B.A. students.

'Fruit Tree Physiology' for M.S. students.

'Advances on Modern Fruit Tree' for Ph.D. students.

Research Interests

My research interest is about apple stress biology, mainly focusing on the drought, salinity, chilling, low nitrogen and also biotic stresses in the Loess Plateau, the major apple production area of China. The research topics include:

1) Identification of special germplasms and genes in  Malus ,

2) Physiological and molecular mechanism of stress resistance,

3) Fruit quality regulation under stress conditions,

4) Apple breeding,

5)  Malus  stress resistant germplasm innovation

6) Efficient utilization of fertilizer and water for apple in arid area.


1) Award by Northwest A&F University for excellence in teaching in 1997, 2000 and 2004.

2) Award by the people's Government of Shaanxi Province for the progress of science and technology in 1994, 1997 and 1998.

Selected Publications (last 5 years)

1) Jia X, Mao K, Wang P, Wang Y, Jia XM, Huo LQ, Sun X, Che RM, Gong XQ*, Ma FW*. Overexpression of MdATG8i improves water use efficiency in transgenic apple by modulating photosynthesis, osmotic balance, and autophagic activity under moderate water deficit. Hortic Res. 2021, 8: 81.

3) Huo L, Guo Z, Wang P, Sun X, Xu K*, Ma F*. MdHARBI1, a MdATG8i-interacting protein, plays a positive role in plant thermotolerance. Plant Sci. 2021, 306: 110850.

4) Huang D, Wang Q, Jing GQ, Li C*, Ma FW*. 2021. Overexpression of MdIAA24 improves apple drought resistance by positively regulating strigolactone biosynthesis and mycorrhization. Tree Physiology, 41:134-146.

5) Liu XM, Jin YB, Tan KX, Zheng JZ, Gao TT, Zhang ZJ, Zhao YJ, Ma FW*, Li C*. 2021. MdTyDc overexpression improves alkalinity tolerance in Malus domestica. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12: 625890.

6) Shuang Zhao, Hanbing Gao, Xumei Jia, Xuewen Li, Ke Mao#, Fengwang Ma#. The γ-clade HD-Zip I transcription factor MdHB-7 regulates salt tolerance in transgenic apple (Malus domestica). Plant & soil (2021) DOI: 10.1007/s11104-021-04918-9.

7) Ke Mao*, Jie Yang*, Min Wang, Huayu Liu, Xin Guo, Shuang Zhao, Qinglong Dong and Fengwang Ma#. Genome-wide analysis of the apple CaCA superfamily reveals that MdCAX proteins are involved in the abiotic stress response as calcium transporters. BMC plant biology (2021) 21: 81.

8) Shuang Zhao, Haibo Wang, Xumei Jia, Hanbing Gao, Ke Mao#, Fengwang Ma#. The HD-Zip I transcription factor MdHB7-like confers tolerance to salinity in transgenic apple (Malus domestica). Physiologia Plantarum (2021) DOI: 10.1111l.13330.

9) Sun TT, Pei TT, Yang LL, Zhang ZJ, Li MJ, Liu YR, Ma FM*, Liu CH*. (2021). Exogenous application of xanthine and uric acid and nucleobase-ascorbate transporter MdNAT7 expression regulate salinity tolerance in apple. BMC Plant Biology, 21(1).

10) Huang D,Wang Q,Zhang ZJ,Jing GQ,Ma MN, Ma FW*, Li C*. 2021. Silencing MdGH3-2/12 in apple reduces drought resistance by regulating AM colonization. Hortic Res. 2021, 8: 84.

11) Guo TL, Zhang, XZ, Li YX, Liu CL, Wang N, Jiang Q, Wu JY, Ma FW, Liu CH*. (2020). Overexpression of MdARD4 accelerates fruit ripening and increases cold hardiness in tomato. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(17), 6182.

12) Shuang Zhao, Hanbing Gao, Xumei Jia, Haibo Wang, Ke Mao#, Fengwang Ma#. The HD-Zip I transcription factor MdHB-7 regulates drought tolerance in transgenic apple (Malus domestica). Environmental and Experimental Botany (2020) 180: 104246.

13) Liu QW, Gao TT, Liu WX, Liu YS, Zhao YJ, Liu YR, Li WJ, Ding K, Ma FW, Li C*. 2020. Functions of dopamine in plants: a review. Plant Signaling and Behavior, 15(12):1827782.

14) Liu XM, Gao TT, Zhang ZJ, Tan KX, Jin YB, Zhao YJ, Ma FW, Li C*. 2020. The mitigation effects of exogenous dopamine on low nitrogen stress in Malus hupehensis. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 19: 2-17.

15) Gao TT, Liu XM, Shan L, Wu Q, Liu Y, Zhang Z, Ma F, Li C*. 2020. Dopamine and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi act synergistically to promote apple growth under salt stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 178: 104159.

16) Gao TT, Zhang ZJ, Liu XM, Wu Q, Chen Q, Liu QW, van Nocker S, Ma FW*, Li C*.  2020. Physiological and transcriptome analyses of the effects of exogenous dopamine on drought tolerance in apple. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 148: 260-272.

17) Huang D, Ma MN, Wang Q, Zhang MX, Jing GQ, Li C*, Ma FW*. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi enhanced drought resistance in apple by regulating genes in the MAPK pathway. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2020, 149: 245-255.

18) Huo LQ, Guo ZJ, Jia X , Sun X , Ma, FW*. Increased autophagic activity in roots caused by overexpression of the autophagy-related gene MdATG10 in apple enhances salt tolerance. Plant Science, 2020, 294: 109088.

19) Huo LQ, Guo ZJ, Zhang Z, Jia X, Ma FW. The Apple Autophagy-Related Gene MdATG9 Confers Tolerance to Low Nitrogen in Transgenic Apple Callus. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2020, 11: 423.

20) Huo LQ, Guo ZJ, Wang P, Zhang, Z, Ma FW*. MdATG8i functions positively in apple salt tolerance by maintaining photosynthetic ability and increasing the accumulation of arginine and polyamines. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2020, 172: 103989.

21) Wang Q#, Liu CH# , Huang D, Dong QL, van Nocker S, Li PM*, Ma FW*. Physiological evaluation of nitrogen use efficiency of different apple cultivars under various nitrogen and water supply conditions. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2020, 19(3): 709-720.

22) Huo LQ, Sun X, Guo ZJ, Jia X , Ma FW*. MdATG18a overexpression improves basal thermotolerance in transgenic apple by decreasing damage to chloroplasts. Horticulture Research, 2020, 7: 1.

23) Kun Zhou, Lingyu Hu, Yangtiansu Li, Xiaofeng Chen, Zhijun Zhang, Bingbing Liu, Pengmin Li, Xiaoqing Gong*, Fengwang Ma*. MdUGT88F1-Mediated Phloridzin Biosynthesis Regulates Apple Development and Valsa Canker Resistance.  Plant Physiology, 2019, DOI:

24) Yun Shao,  Xiaoli Zhang,  Steve van Nocker, Xiaoqing Gong*, Fengwang Ma*. Overexpression of a protein kinase gene MpSnRK2.10  from Malus prunifolia confers tolerance to drought stress in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana and apple. Gene, 2019,

25) Dongfeng Jia, Qi Jiang, Steve van Nocker, Xiaoqing Gong*, Fengwang Ma*. An apple (Malus domestica) NAC transcription factor enhances drought tolerance in transgenic apple plants. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,2019, doi:

26) Zhiwei Wei,  Chao Li, Tengteng Gao, Zhijun Zhang, Bowen Liang, Zuosen Lv, Fengwang Ma*. (2019). Melatonin increases the performance of Malus hupehensis after uv-b exposure. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2019, 10.1016/j.plaphy.2019.04.026.

27) Dong Huang, Qian Wang,, Dingyue Duan, Qinglong Dong,Shuang Zhao, Maoxue Zhang, Guangquan Jing, Changhai Liu, Steve van Nocker, Fengwang Ma*, Chao Li*. Overexpression of MdIAA9 confers high tolerance to osmotic stress in transgenic tobacco. 2019, PeerJ 7:e7935 DOI 10.7717/peerj.7935.

28) Wang Q#, Liu CH#, Huang D, Dong QL, Li PM*, Ma FW*. High-efficient utilization and uptake of N contribute to higher NUE of ‘Qinguan’ apple under drought and N-deficient conditions compared with ‘Honeycrisp’. Tree Physiology, 2019. 11: 1880-1895.

29) Changhai Liu, Tianli Guo, Na Wang, Qian Wang,Yangchun Xue, Minghui Zhan, Qingmei Guan, Fengwang Ma*. Overexpression of MhYTP2 enhances apple water-use efficiency by activating ABA and ethylene signaling. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2019, (157):260-268.

30) Tianli Guo, Na Wang, Yangchun Xue, Qingmei Guan, Steven van Nocker, Changhai Liua*, Fengwang Ma*. Overexpression of the RNA binding protein MhYTP1 in transgenic apple enhances drought tolerance and WUE by improving ABA level under drought condition. Plant Science, 2019, (280):397-407.

31) Qi Jiang, JieYang, QianWang, KunZhou, Ke Mao*, Fengwang Ma*. Overexpression of MdEPF2 improves water use efficiency and reduces oxidative stress in tomato. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2019, (162):321-332.

32) Bowen Liang, Tengteng Gao, Qi Zhao, Changqing Ma, Qi Chen, Zhiwei Wei, Cuiying Li, Chao Li*, Fengwang Ma*. Effects of exogenous dopamine on the uptake, transport, and resorption of apple ionome under moderate drought. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9:755.

33) Qian Wang, Changhai Liu, Qinglong Dong, Dong Huang, Cuiying Li, Pengmin Li*, Fengwang Ma*. Genome-wide identification and analysis of apple NITRATE TRANSPORTER 1/PEPTIDE TRANSPORTER family (NPF) genes reveals MdNPF6.5 confers high capacity for nitrogen uptake under low-nitrogen conditions. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19:2761.

34) Baiquan Ma, Yangyang Yuan, Meng Gao, Libo Xing, Cuiying Li, Mingjun Li*, Fengwang Ma*. Genome-wide identification, classification, molecular evolution and expression analysis of malate dehydrogenases in apple. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19:3312.

35) Baiquan Ma, Yangyang Yuan, Meng Gao, Tonghui Qi, Mingjun Li*, Fengwang Ma*. Genome-wide identification, molecular evolution, and expression divergence of aluminum-activated malate transporters in apples. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19:2807.

36) Qinglong Dong, Shuang Zhao, Dingyue Duan, Yi Tian, Yanpeng Wang, Ke Mao, Zongshan Zhou, Fengwang Ma*. Structural and functional analyses of genes encoding VQ proteins in apple. Plant Science, 2018, (272): 208-219.

37) Lingyu Hu, Kun Zhou, Yangtiansu Li, Xiaofeng Chen, Bingbing Liu, Cuiying Li, Xiaoqing Gong*, Fengwang Ma*. Exogenous myo-inositol alleviates salinity-induced stress in Malus hupehensis Rehd. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2018, 116-126.

38) Xun Sun, Liuqing Huo, Xin Jia, Runmin Che, Xiaoqing Gong, Ping Wang, Fengwang Ma*. Overexpression of MdATG18a  in apple improves resistance to Diplocarpon mali  infection by enhancing antioxidant activity and salicylic acid levels. Horticulture Research,2018, 5: 57.

39) Chao Li, Qi Zhao, Tengteng Gao, Hongying Wang, Zhijun Zhang, Bowen Liang, Zhiwei Wei, Changhai Liu*, Fengwang Ma*. The mitigation effects of exogenous melatonin on replant disease in apple. Journal of Pineal Research, 2018, 65(4): e12523.

40) Bowen Liang, Changqing Ma, Zhijun Zhang, Zhiwei Wei, Tengteng Gao, Qi Zhao, Fengwang Ma*, Chao Li*. Long-term exogenous application of melatonin improves nutrient uptake fluxes in apple plants under moderate drought stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2018, 155: 650-661.

41) Haibo Wang, Shuang Zhao, Ke Mao, Qinglong Dong, Bowen liang, Chao Li, Zhiwei Wei, Mingjun Li, Fengwang Ma* Mapping QTLs for water-use efficiency reveals the potential candidate genes involved in regulating the trait in apple under drought stress. BMC Plant Biology, 2018, 18: 136.

42) Qinglong Dong, Ke Mao, Dingyue Duan, Shuang Zhao, Yanpeng Wang, Qian Wang, Dong Huang, Chao Li, Changhai Liu, Xiaoqing Gong, Fengwang Ma*. Genome-wide analyses of genes encoding FK506-binding proteins reveal their involvement in abiotic stress responses in apple. BMC Genomics, 2018, 19: 707.

43) Linlin Huang, Mingjun Li, Yun Shao, Tingting Sun, Cuiying Li, Fengwang Ma*. Ammonium uptake increases in response to PEG-induced drought stress in  Malus hupehensis  Rehd. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2018, 151: 32-42.

44) Linlin Huang, Mingjun Li, Kun Zhou, Tingting Sun, Lingyu Hu, Cuiying Li*, Fengwang Ma*. Uptake and metabolism of ammonium and nitrate in response to drought stress in Malus prunifolia . Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2018, 127: 185-193.

45) Qinglong Dong, Dingyue Duan, Shuang Zhao, Bingyao Xu, Jiawei Luo, Qian Wang, Dong Huang, Changhai Liu, Chao Li, Xiaoqing Gong, Ke Mao*, Fengwang Ma*. Genome-wide analysis and cloning of the apple stress-associated protein gene family reveals MdSAP15 , which confers tolerance to drought and osmotic stresses in transgenic Arabidopsis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19: 2478.

46) Haibo Wang, Qinglong Dong, Dingyue Duan, Shuang Zhao, Mingjun Li, Steve van Nocker, Fengwang Ma*, Ke Mao*. Comprehensive genomic analysis of the TYROSINE AMINOTRANSFERASE (TAT) genes in apple (Malus domestica) allows the identification of MdTAT2  conferring tolerance to drought and osmotic stresses in plants. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2018, 133:81-91.

47) Jidi Xu, Shasha Zhou, Xiaoqing Gong, Yi Song, Steve van Nocker, Fengwang Ma* and Qingmei Guan*. Single-base methylome analysis reveals dynamic epigenomic differences associated with water deficit in apple. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2018, 16(2): 672-687.

48) Xun Sun, Xin Jia, Liuqing Huo, Runmin Che, Xiaoqing Gong, Ping Wang, Fengwang Ma*. MdATG18a overexpression improves tolerance to nitrogen deficiency and regulates anthocyanin accumulation through increased autophagy in transgenic apple. Plant, Cell and Environment, 2018, 41(2): 469-480.

49) Xun Sun, Ping Wang, Xin Jia, Liuqing Huo, Runmin Che and Fengwang Ma*. Improvement of drought tolerance by overexpressing MdATG18a is mediated by modified antioxidant system and activated autophagy in transgenic apple. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2018, 16(2): 545-557.

50) Kun Zhou, Lingyu Hu, Bingbing Liu, Yangtiansu Li, Xiaoqing Gong, Fengwang Ma*. Identification of apple fruits rich in health-promoting dihydrochalcones by comparative assessment of cultivated and wild accessions. Scientia Horticulturae 2018, 233: 38-46.

51) Jia DF#, Gong XQ#, Li MJ, Li C, Sun TT, Ma FW*. Overexpression of a novel apple NAC transcription factor gene, MdNAC1 , confers the dwarf phenotype in transgenic apple (Malus domestica ). Genes. 2018, 9(5): 229.

52) Kun Zhou, Lingyu Hu, Pengmin Li, Xiaoqing Gong*, Fengwang Ma*. MaGenome-wide identification of glycosyltransferases converting phloretin to phloridzin in Malus species. Plant Science, 2017, 265: 131-145.

53) Bowen Liang, Cuiying Li, Changqing Ma, Zhiwei Wei, Qian Wang, Dong Huang, Qi Chen, Chao Li*, Fengwang Ma*. Dopamine alleviates nutrient deficiency-induced stress in Malus hupehensis . Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2017, 119: 346-359.

54) Xiaoqing Gong, Shuting Shi, Fangfang Dou, Yi Song and Fengwang Ma*. Exogenous Melatonin Alleviates Alkaline Stress in Malus hupehensis Rehd. By Regulating the Biosynthesis of Polyamines. Molecules, 2017, 22:1542.

55) Na Wang, Tianli Guo, Xun Sun, Xin Jia, Ping Wang, Yun Shao, Bowen Liang, Xiaoqing Gong, Fengwang Ma*. Functions of two Malus hupehensis (Pamp.) Rehd. YTPs (MhYTP1 and MhYTP2) in biotic- and abiotic-stress responses. Plant Science, 2017, 261: 18-27.

56) Na Wang, Tianli Guo, Ping Wang, Xun Sun, Yun Shao, Xin Jia, Bowen Liang, Xiaoqing Gong and Fengwang Ma*. MhYTP1 and MhYTP2 from apple confer tolerance to multiple abiotic stresses in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8 : 1367(1-9).

57) Ke Mao†, Qinglong Dong†, Chao Li, Changhai Liu and Fengwang Ma*. Genome wide identification and characterization of apple bHLH transcription factors and expression analysis in response to drought and salt stress. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8:480(1-15).

58) Ping Wang, Xun Sun, Xin Jia, Fengwang Ma*. Apple autophagy-related protein MdATG3s afford tolerance to multiple abiotic stresses. Plant Science, 2017, 256:53-64.

59) Ping Wang, Xun Sun, Na Wang, Xin Jia, Fengwang Ma*. Ectopic expression of an autophagy-associated MdATG7b gene from apple alters growth and tolerance to nutrient stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 2017, 128: 9-23.

60) Yanxiao Tan, Mingjun Li, Yingli Yang, Xun Sun, Na Wang, Bowen Liang and Fengwang Ma*. Overexpression of MpCYS4, A Phytocystatin Gene from Malus prunifolia (Willd.) Borkh., Enhances Stomatal Closure to Confer Drought Tolerance in Transgenic Arabidopsis and Apple. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8:33.

61) Tingting Sun, Mingjun Li, Yun Shao, Lingyan Yu, Fengwang Ma*. Comprehensive Genomic Identification and Expression Analysis of the Phosphate Transporter (PHT) Gene Family in Apple. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8:426.

62) Yanxiao Tan, Yingli Yang, Chao Li, Bowen Liang, Mingjun Li, Fengwang Ma*. Overexpression of MpCYS4 , a phytocystatin gene from Malus prunifolia (Willd.) Borkh., delays natural and stress-induced leaf senescence in apple. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2017, 115:219-228.

63) Na Wang, Tianli Guo, Ping Wang, Xun Sun, Yun Shao, Bowen Liang, Xin Jia, Xiaoqing Gong, Fengwang Ma*. Functional analysis of apple MhYTP1 and MhYTP2 genes in leaf senescence and fruit ripening. Scientia Horticulturae, 2017, 221:23-32.

64) Na Wang, Z.-Y. Yue, Ping. Wang, Xun. Sun, Xaioqing Gong, and Fengwang Ma*. Function of Malus prunifolia WRKY6 transcription factor in response to different stresses. Biologia Plantarum, 2017,61 (2): 284-292.

65) Na Wang, Xaioqing Gong, Fengwang Ma*. Genome-wide identification of the radiation sensitivity protein-23 (RAD23) family members in apple (Malus X domestica Borkh.) and expression analysis of their stress responsiveness. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2017, 16(4): 820-827.

66) Tingting Sun, Dongfeng Jia, Linlin Huang, Yun Shao, Fengwang Ma*. Comprehensive genomic identification and expression analysis of thenucleobase-ascorbate transporter(NAT) gene family in apple. Scientia Horticulturae, 2016, 198:473-481.

67) Yanxiao Tan, Xiaoyu Wei, Ping Wang, Xun Sun, Mingjun Li, Fengwang Ma*. A Phytocystatin Gene from Malus prunifolia (Willd.) Borkh., MpCYS5, Confers Salt Stress Tolerance and Functions in Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Response in Arabidopsis. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2016, 34(1):62-75.

68) Chao Li, Bowen Liang, Cong Chang, Zhiwei Wei, Shasha Zhou, Fengwang Ma*. Exogenous melatonin improved potassium content in Malus under different stress conditions. Journal of Pineal Research, 2016, 61(2):218-229.

69) Ping Wang, Xun Sun , Xin Jia, Na Wang, Xiaoqing Gong, Fengwang Ma*. Characterization of an Autophagy-Related Gene MdATG8i from Apple. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7:720.

70) Shasha Zhou, Shuangxun Ma, Mingjun Li, Cuiying Li, Xiaoqing Gong, Qingmei Guan, Yanxiao Tan, Yun Shao, Chao Li, Fengwang Ma*. Comprehensive genomic analysis and expression profiling of Argonaute gene family and examination of their regulatory roles in water-use efficiency and abiotic stress responses in apple. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2016, 38(9):1-14.

71) Xuewei Li, Ling Kui, Jing Zhang, Yinpeng Xie, Liping Wang, Yan Yan, Na Wang, Jidi Xu, Cuiying Li, Wen Wang, Steve van Nocker, Yang Dong, Fengwang Ma and Qingmei Guan. Improved hybrid de novo genome assembly of domesticated apple(Malus x domestica). GigaScience, 2016, 5:35(1-5).